BJJ Blue Belt: How To Get One and What It Means

BJJ Blue Belt: How To Get One and What It Means


Hey there, warrior-in-the-making! So, you've dipped your toes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and maybe you're rocking that jiu jitsu white belt like a champ. No judgment!

If you're captivated by this martial art form and wondering what comes next, let's discuss the BJJ Blue Belt. It's more than just fabric, folks; it’s a new tier of self-discovery. It's like getting your driver's license but for chokes and armbars. This extensive guide delves into the nitty-gritty, from what this belt signifies to how it stacks up against other martial arts belts like a yellow belt in martial arts or a golden belt in Karate.

Defining the BJJ Blue Belt

What is a Blue Belt in Jiu-Jitsu?

A blue belt in jiu jitsu is like the puberty of your BJJ journey; you're not a kid anymore, but you're not yet a full-grown martial artist. Transitioning from a white belt to a blue belt signifies that you've grasped the basic techniques and started understanding the art’s more intricate aspects. It’s the first real milestone, like taking off the training wheels on your bike.

How Many Belts Are in Jiu Jitsu Anyway?

Unlike the karate belt order, BJJ has a simpler belt structure. But don't let that fool you; each belt is a universe.

The adult belts go White, Blue, Purple, Brown, and Black in ascending order. However, black belts can go further, earning stripes and even the elusive coral belt.

So, what's the highest belt you can get in jiu-jitsu? Technically, it's the red belt, but that's a topic for another day.

Expectations vs Reality

A blue belt jiu jitsu level will make you invincible. Well, spoiler alert: it won't. But it will put you on a playing field where you can truly start exploring the art.

How It Compares to Other Martial Arts

The Brown Belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Conundrum

Suppose you're familiar with other martial arts, like Karate or Taekwondo. In that case, you might wonder how a brown belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu measures up to a blue one. Simply put, a brown belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu level is closer to a black belt in other martial arts regarding skill and technique.

Junior Karate Belts Order vs. BJJ Belts

Children in Karate have different coloured belts, like orange and green, while BJJ has a simpler belt system for adults. In BJJ, kids don't follow the same belt order as in karate. They usually start with white, then go through grey, yellow, orange, and green belts before becoming adults.

The “Karate Level” Myth

Stop right there! Before you think a BJJ blue belt is the same as a karate-level blue belt, understand this: BJJ is its beast. While some martial arts hand out higher-ranked belts like Halloween candy, in BJJ, earning a blue belt is akin to being knighted in medieval times—sans the sword on your shoulder.

Earning Your Stripes: Tips and Tricks

It’s All in the Basics, Baby!

Those fancy YouTube videos showcasing jaw-dropping moves are tempting, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. At the blue belt level, mastering the basics is like ensuring you have a solid foundation before building a house. Don't just slap on some paint and call it a day!

Specialization: It’s Not Just for Brown Belts

You may think that choosing a specialty, like leg locks or chokes, is something only brown belt jiu-jitsu practitioners should worry about. But even as a blue belt, knowing what you're good at can set you apart. It’s like being a guitarist who’s particularly good at solos; it adds your unique touch to the band.

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The Mental Game

Getting your blue belt isn't just about physical prowess; it's a mental game, too. If the white belt is about survival, the blue belt is about strategy. You're not just reacting; you're planning three moves. It's like chess but with sweat and an armbar thrown in for good measure.

Dabble in Other Martial Arts?

Curiosity killed the cat, but it can make a martial artist more rounded. While being a blue belt in jiu jitsu is your main goal, there's no harm in checking out what a yellow belt martial arts class feels like or how a red belt in another martial art might complement your skills. Think of it as cross-training, like an athlete who swims to improve lung capacity for running.

Ego Is Your Worst Enemy

Here’s a pro tip: Leave your ego at the door! BJJ is humbling; it doesn't matter if you were a black belt vs purple belt in another martial art. A blue belt jiujitsu journey is about learning, stumbling, and learning again. It's as if each session scrubs away more of your ego, leaving you polished but humbled.

BJJ Blue Belt FAQs

What's the Highest Belt in Jiu-Jitsu?

For those who aim for the stars, the highest colour belt in jiu jitsu for most practitioners is the black belt, but it doesn't stop there. Beyond that, black belt stripes and the red belt are generally reserved for grandmasters.

How Do Belts Rank in BJJ?

If you're still confused, the belt ranking system in BJJ for adults typically goes like this: White, Blue, Purple, Brown, and Black. Kids have their series starting from white and going up to green.

What’s the Deal with Belt Stripes?

Think of stripes as little nudges of encouragement, tiny milestones that keep you going. They're like the stickers you got in kindergarten, but for tough grown-up martial artists.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Blue Belt?

Ah, the million-dollar question! There's no one-size-fits-all answer because it depends on factors like your training frequency, grasp of techniques, etc. But generally takes most folks anywhere from a year to two years.

Unwritten Rules of Being a BJJ Blue Belt

Be a Mentor, Not a Tormentor

So you've reached blue belt status; congrats! But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Those white belts and maybe even some yellow belts in mixed martial arts classes will look up to you. Be the mentor you wish you had when you were starting. Teach, don't preach. After all, nobody likes that guy who turns every sparring session into a world championship fight.

The Subtle Art of Asking for Help

In a universe where black belts and brown belt level practitioners roam, asking for advice can be unsafe. Even Jigoro Kano didn’t get to where he was without some guidance. So go ahead, be a sponge. Learn from everyone, even those who are at a green belt level. Because sometimes, wisdom comes from the most unexpected places.

Branching Out: Competitions and Seminars

As a blue belt in BJJ, you can enter a new world of pain and glory: competitions. If you've been hesitating, now is the time to leap. Competitions can be nerve-wracking, exhilarating, and humbling—all at once. It's like riding a rollercoaster; only the dips and turns are other humans trying to choke you. Conversely, seminars offer a less combative but equally enriching experience. Think of them as masterclasses where you absorb knowledge like a thirsty plant soaking up water.

Mythbusters: Common Misconceptions About BJJ Blue Belt

"It's Just a Blue Belt"

Some people, particularly those practising other martial arts, might underestimate the value of a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu blue belt. They might argue that a blue belt in Karate or Taekwondo is far from a big deal. But remember, in the realm of BJJ, it's not just a blue belt. It’s a testament to your skills, a badge of your burgeoning expertise. So wear it with pride!

"Blue Belts Shouldn’t Tap to White Belts"

Ah, the ego strikes again! Listen, everyone has off days, and everyone has strengths and weaknesses. If a white belt catches you in a submission, tapping is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of intelligence. Preserve your limbs and your dignity by acknowledging that everyone, at any level, can teach you something.

I’m a Blue Belt, So I Should Know All the Basics

Knowing the basics and mastering them are two different things. Even black belts keep refining their basic techniques. Remember, in the journey of BJJ, you’re more of a marathon runner than a sprinter. Please don’t rush through the basics; savour them, polish them, and make them second nature.

The Final Roundup: Key Takeaways

  • BJJ blue belt is a significant milestone requiring physical and mental commitment.

  • Comparing belt colours in jiu-jitsu with other martial arts like Karate can be misleading. Each system has its intricacies.

  • Your journey doesn’t end with getting the blue belt; it’s like turning a new chapter.

  • Be open to learning from higher belts, your peers, and even those ranked lower.

  • Competitions and seminars are fantastic avenues for growth, so don’t shy away from them.

  • Lastly, always train with humility and respect, not just for others but for the art itself.

If you're diving deep into the world of BJJ and loving the journey to your blue belt, you might be curious about how this martial art stacks up against others. Ever wondered how Jiu Jitsu measures up to Taekwondo? Both are incredible martial arts but offer different approaches and benefits. For an in-depth comparison between the two, don't miss our article, Jiu Jitsu vs Taekwondo: Breaking Down The Differences & Which Is Better For You.


Embarking on the journey to a BJJ blue belt isn't for the faint-hearted, but hey, neither is becoming a martial artist. The blue belt in BJJ serves as a rite of passage, a leap from the shallow kiddie pool into the vast ocean of martial arts.

The BJJ belt system is less complex but more profound than other arts like Karate or Taekwondo. It’s not just a ranking; it’s a reflection of your personal growth, your warrior spirit.

So tie that blue belt jiu-jitsu tightly, step onto the mat with humility, and remember: every choke, every fall, every victory, and every stripe brings you closer to becoming the martial artist you aspire to be.

Whether you’re just starting with a white belt or eyeing the heights of a black belt with stripes, the key is to keep learning, falling, and rising, one tap at a time.

And that's a wrap, fighters! Here's to conquering the mat and beyond!

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