Craig Jones – The Man Quietly Taking over American Jiu-Jitsu

Craig Jones – The Man Quietly Taking over American Jiu-Jitsu

Hey there, grappling aficionados! Whether you're a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) junkie or just someone intrigued by the martial arts world, you've got to hear about Craig Jones. He's the guy slowly but surely taking over the American Jiu-Jitsu scene.

The Underlying Stats

Let's talk numbers, shall we? What's a hero without stats? When we dig into Craig Jones' BJJ record, the guy stands tall—literally and figuratively. In terms of Craig Jones' height and weight, he's hovering around the 88 kg weight division.

Now, how tall is Craig Jones, you ask? The dude is not your average Joe; he's got a decent height that matches his skill level.

Who is Craig Jones?

Born in Australia, Craig Jones wasn't always the Craig Jones BJJ black belt world champion we know today. Nope, he's got his roots Down Under but has made a name for himself, particularly in the American Jiu-Jitsu scene. And get this; he's still pretty young. If you're asking how old is Craig Jones, he's in his early 30s.

The Personal Side

We all know you're curious about the personal lives of your favourite athletes—don't deny it! If you're Googling "Craig Jones BJJ girlfriend" or "Craig Jones wife," let's clear the air.

Currently, Craig Jones has managed to keep his personal life pretty low-key. In the swirl of rumours, there's talk about Craig Jones' wife, Susy Jones, but we can't confirm that. Now, back to the mats.

The Rise to Fame

Craig's rise in Jiu-Jitsu is a Cinderella story, minus the glass slipper. He shot to fame during the ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club) World Championships a few years ago, where he reached the semi-finals. Imagine going toe-to-toe with legends like Leandro Lo and Murilo Santana and still holding your ground. Only some people can do that!

The Team and Coaching

Being under the guidance of John Danaher, a man considered a Jiu-Jitsu philosopher, and Lachlan Giles, another prodigy in the game, has undoubtedly played a significant role in his rise. These guys are to Jiu-Jitsu what salt is to caramel—unexpected but mind-blowingly good together.

What Makes Him Special?

One word: versatility. This guy can roll with the punches, whether it's no-gi, gi, or a sudden death match in Austin, Texas. His game is as versatile as a Swiss Army knife. And he's got a slew of techniques in his arsenal, always ready to adapt, which is crucial in a sport as dynamic as Jiu-Jitsu.

Techniques and Skills: A Brief Overview

So, what's in Craig Jones' Jiu Jitsu toolkit? Well, let me tell you, he's got a cheat sheet for success. Not only is he an expert in leg locks—a submission game that's as tricky as a Rubik's cube—but he's also a whiz at chokes. His go-to?

The guillotine chokes, a precise move that could make an onion cry.

Impact on the Jiu-Jitsu Scene in America

Why is this Aussie such a big deal in American Jiu-Jitsu? Simple. He's got a style that's like jazz—improvisational, unexpected, and pure genius. And it's not just his Craig Jones BJJ record that speaks volumes.

Even big names in MMA, like Chael Sonnen, have taken notice and become fans.

The Jiu-Jitsu Lifestyle: Craig Jones Style

Aside from the world champion ADCC semi-finalist thing, Craig lives and breathes Jiu-Jitsu. How else could you explain someone who chooses to relocate to Austin, Texas, a hotspot for Jiu-Jitsu, over living it up in the Land Down Under? It's like picking a cosy library over a rave party—it only makes sense if you're really into it.

Net Worth and Earnings

Alright, let's talk moolah. Although the exact net worth of Craig Jones is private knowledge, it's safe to say he's doing alright. Craig is raking in serious dough between the IBJJF World No Gi Championships prize money and other world-class events to endorsements and teaching gigs. He must still be added to the Forbes list, but give it time.

The Man Outside the Mat

You're still curious about the man outside his chokes and leg locks. You may wonder if he has a Latin dance instructor as a hobby, or perhaps you heard about his penchant for lux mambo. We're speculating here, but we know Craig Jones is more than a one-trick pony. Just check out some of his interviews; the guy's got wit and charm to spare.

Training Regimen: No Joke

Craig trains under the Danaher Death Squad, and if you know anything about John Danaher, you'll understand this is no day at the beach. It's more like boot camp meets physically and intellectually demanding Mensa. Imagine training alongside Nicky Ryan and Lachlan Giles, and you'll get why his game is as sharp as a tack.

Rivals and Allies

We've mentioned Leandro Lo and Murilo Santana, but remember the other beasts in the 88 kg weight division, like Maromba Academy's finest. Craig's also had some remarkable bouts against Nicky Ryan and Lachlan Giles, his teammates. It's like watching Batman spar with Robin; only in this case, both are as good as Bruce Wayne!

And let's remember his recent foray into MMA. With a Craig Jones UFC future potentially on the horizon, who knows where this grappling genius will land next?

The Next Big Moves: A Peek into the Future

So, what's on the horizon for our grappling prodigy? With whispers of a potential Craig Jones UFC debut, the sky's the limit for this guy. We're talking about someone who could redefine the role of BJJ in mixed martial arts. It's like mixing Skittles with M&Ms; you didn't know you needed it, but it's a game-changer.

The Influence of Craig Jones

Here's the thing—Craig is not just another name in the BJJ circuit; he's shaping the narrative. When youngsters search "Craig Jones BJJ wiki" or scroll through "Craig Jones BJJ heroes," they look at a guy who's made it. He's an inspiration to kids who are thinking of choosing BJJ as a path. If there's a Mount Rushmore for BJJ in the next decade, you can bet Craig's face will be on it.

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The Never-Ending Quest for Improvement

Even at the pinnacle of his career, Craig's eyes are set on scaling greater heights. The guy's always in the loop with the latest BJJ techniques and trends. It's like he's got a built-in software update for Jiu-Jitsu, constantly refreshing his skill set.

And, of course, credit also goes to his coaches, like John Danaher and Lachlan Giles. With mentors like these, it's like having Yoda and Obi-Wan guiding you through the Force.

Behind Every Great Man...

It is a great team. We've spoken about Danaher and Giles, but Craig's also got a support system that goes beyond the mat. Whether it's his family or his rumoured wife, Susy Jones, he's got a solid foundation that's as vital as any chokehold or leg lock. Support systems may not appear on your BJJ record, but they make a difference when you grind daily.

Where Does Craig Stand Globally?

Though his primary influence is in American Jiu-Jitsu, let's remember that Craig is a world-renowned athlete. Whether it's the IBJJF World No Gi or the ADCC, he's made his presence felt across weight divisions and continents. It's like the guy has a universal remote for Jiu-Jitsu and has all the controls.

The Art and the Artist

Have you ever wondered what it's like inside the mind of someone so adept at a skill? Think of Craig as a painter; only his canvas is the mat, and his brushstrokes are his intricate moves. Each match is a masterpiece, a performance that melds technique, brute Force, and intellectual depth.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it—the tale of Craig Jones, a man quietly revolutionizing American Jiu-Jitsu. His story isn't done yet, not by a long shot. Whether you're an avid fan or a newcomer to the sport, please keep your eyes peeled for what he's got up his sleeve next. Because one thing's for sure: Craig Jones is a name you won't forget anytime soon.

Phew, that's a lot of Craig Jones to take in! But hey, when the story is this good, you can't help but want more. So, stay tuned to his matches, interviews, and wherever else he might surprise us. You never know; the next time you Google "Craig Jones age," he might be breaking another record or earning a new title because this guy is unstoppable!


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