Gordan Ryan's Training Schedule – What It Takes To Be The King

gordon ryan training schedule


Hey there, grappling fans! Ever wondered what it takes to be a king? Not just any king, but the king of the mat—the undisputed champion of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)? Well, buckle up because we're about to dive headfirst into the grueling training schedule of Gordan Ryan. So, grab a protein shake, sit back, and discover what it takes to reign supreme in BJJ.

The Lion's Den: Where Does Gordan Ryan Train?

Where does our BJJ king sharpen his claws? It's the renowned Renzo Gracie Academy in New York City—a gym that has been the birthplace of numerous world champions, including our very own Ryan.

Here, within the hallowed walls of this gym, Ryan undergoes some of the most intense training sessions you could imagine. Sweat, determination, and the occasional blood are all part of the daily grind.

Breaking Down the Beast: Gordan Ryan's Training Schedule

Gordan Ryan isn't one to shy away from hard work. His typical training day is a marathon of physical exertion, starting bright and early with strength and conditioning. He spends five to six hours daily honing his skills and pushing his body to its limits. Talk about dedication!

Let's break it down:

  • Morning: Ryan heads to the gym for a two-hour BJJ session after a hearty breakfast. This isn't your average roll on the mat; it's a full-blown battle against some of the best grapplers in the game.

  • Afternoon: Post lunch, it's time for strength and conditioning. This isn't your traditional weightlifting routine; think high-intensity workouts, sets of 20 reps, and a lot of grit.

  • Evening: As the sun dips, Ryan returns to the mat for another round of BJJ. Another two hours of gruelling grappling with ending the day.

And folks, that's just a typical day. Imagine doing this day in, day out. That's what it takes to be a king.

Feeding the Beast: Gordan Ryan's Diet Plan

Alright, so we've got the training part down. But hold on a minute, what's fueling this BJJ machine? Well, that'd be Ryan's strict diet plan. While he hasn't spilled the beans on the specifics, it's safe to say that a diet fit for a king includes plenty of lean proteins, complex carbs, and a rainbow of fruits and vegetables.

The Importance of Recovery: Gordan Ryan’s Approach

Now, you might think, "With such an intense training schedule, how does Ryan recover?" Well, he's got that covered too. Recovery is a crucial part of his routine—and rightfully so.

Here's what his recovery plan looks like:

  • Stretching: Post-training stretching sessions are a must to keep those muscles flexible and injury-free.

  • Foam Rolling: Ryan uses foam rolling techniques for self-myofascial release, which helps in muscle recovery.

  • Sleep: Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep! Ryan ensures he gets at least 8 hours of sleep every night to allow his body to recover fully.

Learning from the Masters: Ryan’s Mentors

Every king has his mentors, and for Ryan, it's John Danaher and Garry Tonon. These two influential figures have played significant roles in shaping Ryan's career. Danaher, his BJJ coach, has been instrumental in developing Ryan's technical skills, while Tonon, a fellow BJJ athlete, has consistently pushed Ryan to exceed his limits.

Gordan Ryan's Training Philosophy: The Mindset of a Champion

Beyond the physical aspect, Ryan also emphasizes the mental side of training. His philosophy? It's not about how hard you train but how consistently you train. This mindset has helped him stay focused and motivated, even during challenging times.

A Glimpse into Gordan Ryan's Social Media Influence

In the age of digital media, Ryan has skillfully leveraged social platforms to engage with his fans and share snippets of his training, diet, and lifestyle. His Instagram is a one-stop shop for workout videos, competition highlights, and even some light-hearted moments, offering a well-rounded view of what being a world-class BJJ athlete is like.

The Power of Rivalry: Gordan Ryan vs. Craig Jones

Rivalries have a unique way of pushing athletes to up their game, and for Ryan, his rivalry with fellow BJJ athlete Craig Jones has been nothing short of motivational. Their intense matches have thrilled fans worldwide and continually pushed both athletes to improve and evolve.

Gordan Ryan's Achievements: A Testament to His Training Regimen

Ryan's hard work, dedication, and sacrifice have certainly paid off. With numerous titles under his belt, including three ADCC World Championships and a No-Gi World Championship, Ryan's name has become synonymous with excellence in BJJ.


Q1: How many hours does Gordan Ryan train?

A1: Gordan Ryan typically trains between five and six hours per day.

Q2: Where does Gordan Ryan train?

A2: Gordan Ryan trains at the renowned Renzo Gracie Academy in New York City.

Q3: What kind of workouts does Gordan Ryan do?

A3: Gordan Ryan's workout routine includes two BJJ sessions, a strength and conditioning session, and high-intensity workouts three times a week.

Q4: What is Gordan Ryan's diet like?

A4: While the specifics of Gordan Ryan's diet are undisclosed, he follows a strict diet plan rich in lean proteins, complex carbs, and various fruits and vegetables.

Q5: How does Gordan Ryan recover from his intense training sessions?

A5: Gordan Ryan's recovery plan typically includes stretching, foam rolling, and ensuring adequate sleep.

Q6: Who are Gordan Ryan's mentors?

A6: Gordan Ryan's mentors include his BJJ coach, John Danaher, and fellow BJJ athlete, Garry Tonon.

Q7: What is Gordan Ryan's training philosophy?

A7: Gordan Ryan believes in the importance of consistency in training rather than the intensity of individual training sessions.

Gordan Ryan's training schedule is a roadmap to success for aspiring BJJ athletes. His relentless dedication, disciplined approach to training, diet, recovery, and unwavering mindset set him apart from the crowd. Becoming a king in BJJ is challenging, but it is certainly achievable with hard work, consistency, and the right attitude. As Gordan Ryan shows us, the sky is the limit regarding what you can achieve in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


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