How to Split Training Time Between BJJ and Striking

If you're a martial arts enthusiast, you know the importance of training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking. They complement each other perfectly and help in enhancing your overall fighting skills. However, one question often arises is how to split your training time between the two?

In this blog, we will discuss all the factors that you should consider when making this decision. From understanding what BJJ and striking are to creating a weekly schedule, we've got you covered! In our guide, you'll discover useful time management tips.

We also feature success stories from martial artists who practice both BJJ and striking. Additionally, we highlight common training mistakes to avoid when dividing your time.

Understanding BJJ and Striking

BJJ, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is a martial art focusing on grappling and ground fighting techniques. It emphasizes submissions and control on the ground, making it an essential skill for MMA fighters. On the other hand, striking includes boxing, kickboxing, and other striking martial arts. Striking martial arts emphasize strikes and punches, which are crucial for any fighter's arsenal.

BJJ and striking complement each other in MMA, where fighters must be proficient in grappling and striking. If you want to train in both BJJ and striking, it's important to understand the different martial arts and their fighting styles.

Overview of BJJ

BJJ, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, originated from traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu and has become a popular combat sport and self-defence martial art. It emphasizes using leverage and technique to overcome larger opponents, with a focus on ground fighting and submissions. BJJ training sessions often involve live sparring, allowing practitioners to apply their techniques in realistic situations.

The Gracie family developed This fantastic martial art, with Helio and Carlos Gracie being notable figures. BJJ provides a strong foundation for MMA fighters and is a crucial component of mixed martial arts. Its effectiveness in real fights is evident, as shown by the success of Royce Gracie in the early days of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

Overview of Striking

Regarding martial arts, striking is a crucial component encompassing disciplines like boxing, kickboxing, and Muay Thai. This fighting style focuses on developing precision, power, and speed in punches, kicks, elbows, and knees. Striking martial arts also emphasize footwork and head movement to enhance defensive skills.

For self-defence or mixed martial arts (MMA), striking plays a significant role. Incorporating striking into your training routine can improve your overall fighting abilities and expand your skill set. So, let's dive deeper into the world of striking and explore its importance in combat sports.

Importance of Both BJJ and Striking in Martial Arts

When it comes to martial arts, understanding the importance of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking is crucial. BJJ is essential for ground fighting and mastering submissions. At the same time, striking techniques are crucial for stand-up situations and self-defence. Both BJJ and striking complement each other, offering a well-rounded skill set.

For example, BJJ provides the ability to control opponents in MMA fights through takedowns and grappling. At the same time, striking allows for effective strikes in stand-up scenarios. Combining these two disciplines allows martial artists to develop a versatile and practical fighting style that can be applied in various situations, whether in the cage or during a street fight.

Factors to Consider When Splitting Training Time

When deciding how to split your training time between BJJ and striking, there are several factors to consider:

  1. Take into account your current fitness level. This will help you determine if you need to focus more on strength and conditioning in one discipline over the other.

  2. Your long-term goals will affect how much time you dedicate to each. For example, If you aim to compete in BJJ tournaments, you may need to prioritize BJJ training.

  3. Personal preferences should be taken into consideration when deciding on a training split.

Some people may enjoy one discipline more than the other. The availability of training partners is another important factor. If you have a surplus of training partners in BJJ but need help finding sparring partners for striking, that may influence your decision.

Finally, consider any competitions or events you have coming up. If you have an upcoming BJJ tournament, you should allocate more training time to BJJ in preparation. Overall, finding the right balance between BJJ and striking requires careful consideration of these factors.

Learn from the incredible dedication of fitness model Nathalia and her husband Gordon Ryan, a BJJ sensation. Explore how their fitness philosophy intertwines with the world of martial arts, and gain insights into achieving a well-rounded approach to your training. Dive into the fascinating article "Gordon Ryan Fitness Model Wife Nathalia: Facts You Need to Know" for an inspiring perspective on holistic fitness.

Your Current Fitness Level

Assessing your stamina and endurance is crucial when determining how to split your training time between BJJ Learn from the incredible dedication of fitness model Nathalia and her husband Gordon Ryan, a BJJ sensation. Explore how their fitness philosophy intertwines with the world of martial arts, and gain insights into achieving a well-rounded approach to your training. Dive into the fascinating article "Gordon Ryan Fitness Model Wife Nathalia: Facts You Need to Know" for an inspiring perspective on holistic fitness. and striking. Considering your strength and conditioning needs for both disciplines is essential. Adjust your training time based on your recovery ability to avoid overexertion.

Consulting with trainers or coaches can help gauge your fitness level and provide valuable guidance. As you progress, gradually increase the intensity of your training sessions. This approach ensures you're challenging yourself while allowing your body to adapt and improve.

Your Long-term Goals

When determining how to split your training time between BJJ and striking, it's essential to consider your long-term goals. Consider whether your ultimate goal is to compete in BJJ, striking, or both. Once you have determined this, you can allocate more training time to the discipline that aligns with your aspirations.

Additionally, consider any specific achievements or milestones you want to reach. Planning your training split accordingly allows you to optimize your progress toward your goals. Remember to periodically reevaluate your goals and adjust your training split as needed to ensure you stay on track.

Your Personal Preferences

When deciding how to split your training time between Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking, it's essential to consider your personal preferences. Consider which martial art you enjoy and where your strengths and weaknesses lie in each discipline.

Do you prefer the ground fighting techniques of BJJ or the striking techniques of karate or taekwondo? Choose a training split that aligns with your interests and experiment with different splits to find what works best. Remember, the ultimate goal is to find a balance that allows you to enjoy your training while improving your skills in both disciplines.

How to Begin Your Training Split?

To begin your training split, start with a two-thirds focus on BJJ and one-third on striking. Allocate more time to the discipline you're less comfortable with.

Gradually adjust training time based on progress and personal preferences. Consult trainers or coaches for personalized guidance. Adapt the split based on feedback and performance.

Starting with a Two-Thirds BJJ and One-Third Striking Split

You can divide your training time between Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking. One way to do this is to spend two-thirds of your time on BJJ and one-third on striking. You can focus more on building a strong foundation in BJJ techniques and submissions with this split.

It is important for all grapplers to do so. You can also develop your striking skills and combos by allocating sufficient time for striking practice.

Remember, you can gradually adjust this split to suit your progress and preferences. Seeking guidance from experienced trainers can help you fine-tune your training split to suit your individual needs.

Adjusting the Split as Per Individual Needs

When training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking, adjusting the split based on individual needs is crucial. Customizing your training time according to your personal preferences and goals is essential. Tailor the split to focus on areas that need improvement, whether enhancing your grappling techniques or sharpening your striking skills.

It's also essential to adapt the split to accommodate any injuries or physical limitations you may have. Creating a balanced split that suits your strengths and weaknesses will help you progress effectively. As your skills and techniques develop, don't hesitate to modify the split accordingly.

Importance of Consistency in Training

Consistent training is crucial for progress and improvement in both Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking. Regular practice helps build muscle memory and refine techniques, leading to a steady progression in skills. Additionally, consistent training ensures that fitness levels are maintained, and performance is enhanced. It is through sustained effort and dedication that long-term skill development is achieved.

By committing to consistent training, practitioners can reap the benefits of both BJJ and striking, becoming well-rounded martial artists. So, make it a point to train regularly and stay consistent to unlock your full potential in these outstanding martial arts.

The Role of Rest in Training

Rest plays a vital role in training for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking. It is crucial for recovery and injury prevention, allowing the body to repair and rebuild muscles. By balancing rest with training, athletes can optimize their overall performance. Proper rest enhances focus and mental well-being, preventing burnout and maintaining motivation.

Incorporating rest days into the training schedule is essential. Rest helps athletes avoid overtraining and gives their bodies the time they need to recover and grow stronger. Rest is a critical component of an effective and successful training regimen.

How to Effectively Split Training Time Between BJJ and Striking?

Setting clear goals for each martial art to effectively split training time between BJJ and striking is essential. Create a schedule with dedicated time for both disciplines and prioritize skill development in weaker areas. Alternate between BJJ and striking sessions to avoid overtraining, and seek guidance from coaches or trainers to optimize your training split.

Creating a Weekly Schedule

When creating a weekly schedule, dividing your training days evenly between Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking is essential. Allocate specific time slots for each martial art during the week, considering your preferences and availability.

Additionally, include rest days in your schedule to allow recovery and prevent overexertion. It's crucial to regularly review and adjust your schedule as needed to ensure that you're maximizing your training time and staying on track with your goals. Creating a balanced and flexible weekly schedule can effectively split your training time between BJJ and striking.

Tips for Effective Time Management

Prioritizing and managing your schedule is essential to maximize your training time. Start by setting aside dedicated time each day for both BJJ and striking. This ensures that you give equal attention to both disciplines. Minimize distractions and create a focused training environment to stay on track.

Additionally, using efficient training techniques can help you maximize your time. Break your training sessions into smaller, manageable chunks to improve efficiency. Finally, plan ahead and organize your training activities to maximize productivity. These tips will help you effectively manage your training time and make progress in both BJJ and striking.

Advantages of Training Both BJJ and Striking

Combining Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking disciplines such as karate or taekwondo offers many advantages. You develop a well-rounded skillset and enhance your overall combat abilities by training in both. BJJ improves your ground fighting techniques while striking enhances your stand-up skills.

This combination provides diverse self-defence techniques, making you more versatile and adaptable in different combat situations. Many successful MMA fighters, like Royce Gracie, have proved the effectiveness of training in multiple martial arts. With a combination of BJJ and striking, you'll become a formidable fighter capable of handling any situation that comes your way.

Benefits of BJJ

BJJ offers numerous benefits, making it a highly effective martial art for self-defence and overall physical fitness. With an emphasis on leverage and technique rather than pure strength, BJJ allows practitioners to overcome larger opponents. Its ground-based techniques give an advantage in close-range combat scenarios, where the fight often ends up.

BJJ also promotes mental discipline and instils confidence through its rigorous training methods. In addition, BJJ equips individuals with practical self-defence skills that can be applied in real-life situations. Whether you want to improve your fitness or learn practical self-defence, BJJ is a unique martial art.

Benefits of Striking

When it comes to striking martial arts like karate, taekwondo, and muay Thai boxing, there are several benefits to incorporating them into your training regime. These disciplines help develop striking power and accuracy for stand-up fighting scenarios. In addition to that, training in striking martial arts improves reflexes and coordination, making you more agile and responsive in combat situations.

Furthermore, these disciplines offer cardiovascular benefits and improve overall fitness, enhancing endurance and stamina. Whether you want to improve your self-defence skills or compete in the ring, striking skills are invaluable.

Case Studies of Successful Martial Artists Who Train Both BJJ and Striking

Conor McGregor and Anderson Silva, famous martial artists, have shown how effective it is to blend Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking in their training. These fighters showcase the benefits of a well-rounded skillset, highlighting the adaptability and versatility of training in both disciplines. Incorporating BJJ and striking enhances overall fighting capabilities, providing diverse techniques for different situations. By learning and practising BJJ and striking, martial artists can develop a comprehensive fighting style that is effective in mixed martial arts (MMA) and real fight scenarios.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Splitting Training Time

Neglecting rest days is a common mistake when splitting training time. It's essential to give your body time to recover and prevent burnout. Overtraining one discipline can also hinder progress in both BJJ and striking. Remember to balance your training between the two to maximize your overall improvement.

Monitoring your progress in both BJJ and striking is essential to maintain balance and identify areas that need improvement. Finding the ideal balance between BJJ and striking training time is crucial for a well-rounded skillset. Avoid overemphasizing one discipline and give equal attention to both to enhance your fighting capabilities.

Overtraining One Discipline

Overtraining in either Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) or striking can lead to burnout and increase the risk of injury. Balancing your training time between BJJ and striking is essential to prevent muscle imbalances. Varying your training routines between these two disciplines can help prevent stagnation and keep your training interesting.

Avoiding overemphasis on one discipline allows for developing a diverse skill set, which is crucial in mixed martial arts (MMA). Mixing up your training sessions between BJJ and striking can improve your overall proficiency in martial arts.

Neglecting Rest Days

Incorporating rest days into your training schedule is vital for recovery and preventing overtraining. By allowing your body time to rest and heal, you improve performance in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and striking. Neglecting rest days can lead to decreased motivation and burnout, so listening to your body and prioritizing regular rest days is crucial.

Rest days also play a critical role in avoiding injuries and maintaining long-term training consistency. Remember, taking the time to rest isn't a sign of weakness but a strategic approach to enhancing your overall training effectiveness.

How to Monitor Progress in Both BJJ and Striking?

How to Monitor Progress in Both BJJ and Striking?

Monitoring progress in both BJJ and striking is crucial for growth. Regular assessments help identify areas for improvement while documenting performance visually represents progress. Objective measures like competition results and belt levels indicate progress in BJJ while analyzing striking technique, accuracy, and power assesses improvement in striking. Seeking feedback from coaches and training partners also aids in monitoring progress.

What Changes Can You Expect as You Improve in BJJ and Striking?

You'll notice smoother submissions and transitions as your proficiency grows in BJJ. Similarly, improved technique and timing will increase power and accuracy in striking. A deeper understanding of leverage and body mechanics enhances both disciplines. Increased confidence and adaptability to different opponents' styles are also typical.

Is There an Ideal Balance Between BJJ and Striking Training Time?

Finding the ideal balance between BJJ and striking training time varies based on individual goals and preferences. Some practitioners prefer an equal split, while others focus more on one discipline. Experimenting with different ratios helps determine the ideal balance for personal growth and a well-rounded skillset. The balance may shift over time as priorities and goals evolve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 2 hours of BJJ a week enough?

While 2 hours of BJJ a week is a good start, more is needed for significant progress. Consistency is vital in martial arts, so consider supplementing with additional training sessions or drilling at home. Aim for at least 3-4 hours of BJJ per week for optimal progress.

Should I learn striking and grappling at the same time?

Learning both striking and grappling simultaneously can be overwhelming for beginners. It is recommended to focus on one discipline first before adding another. Some gyms offer mixed classes, which can be an excellent way to start in both disciplines together. The decision ultimately depends on personal preference and goals.

Is training BJJ 3 times a week enough?

The ideal training frequency for BJJ varies based on goals, experience, and other factors. Beginners or those with limited time can start with three sessions a week. More experienced practitioners may benefit from four to six sessions for better progress. Striking practice and rest days should also be considered for optimal results.


Finding the right balance between BJJ and striking training is crucial for any martial artist. It's essential to have a solid understanding of both disciplines and recognize their significance in martial arts. When splitting your training time, your fitness level, long-term goals, and personal preferences should be considered. Consistency and rest are also critical components of an effective training routine.

Creating a weekly schedule and managing your time efficiently will help you make the most out of your training sessions. Training both BJJ and striking offers numerous benefits, including improved technique and versatility. It's inspiring to see successful martial artists who have mastered both disciplines.

However, avoiding common mistakes like overtraining one discipline and neglecting rest days is essential. Monitoring your progress and understanding the changes you can expect as you improve in both BJJ and striking is essential.

While there is only an ideal balance that fits some, finding what works best for you is the key. Experiment with different splits and listen to your body to achieve optimal results in both BJJ and striking.


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