The Ultimate Guide to BJJ Spats: Benefits, Styles, and How to Choose

The Ultimate Guide to BJJ Spats: Benefits, Styles, and How to Choose


Hey, you! Yeah, you—the one obsessed with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and can't get enough of the mat.

If you practice BJJ, you have likely come across BJJ spats. You might be unsure whether you should purchase a pair specifically for Gi or No-Gi. Are they a cool fad or a legit game-changer? Well, grab a coffee, sit tight, and let's dive into this, shall we?

What the Heck Are BJJ Spats Anyway?

First things first—let's get the basics out of the way. Spats pants, or simply "spats," are like the leggings of the BJJ and grappling world. Picture a second skin tighter than a drum but flexible enough to let you move like Spider-Man. These bad boys are made of a spandex blend, making them lightweight and durable.

Why Use Them?

You're probably thinking, "I've got my Gi pants and rash guards; why add another thing?" Oh, buddy, you're in for a treat. Wearing spats can offer benefits like:

  • Protecting Your Skin: Use them as your shield against mat burns and scratches. It's like having a protective layer that keeps your skin from crying out, "Dude?"

  • Compression: Feeling snug yet? Good! Spats offer compression to help blood flow during those intense training sessions.

  • Temperature Control: Like a thermostat for your legs, these pants regulate your body temp—keeping you cool when things heat up and warm when it's chilly.

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, spats are no less than a knight's armour. They work wonders in both Gi and No-Gi sessions. And hey, they look pretty darn stylish too.

The Unseen Benefits of Donning Spats Pants

Keep that Momentum Going

Imagine yourself as a well-oiled machine; every part must function seamlessly for the whole system to work. Think of your BJJ spats as the lubricant in that machine. Wearing the right spats not only protects your skin but also helps you succeed and perform at your best. It's like strapping on a pair of wings—you may not fly, but you'll feel like it.

Full Range of Motion

Do you know those kung fu movies where the fighters move like they have no bones? Yeah, that's the kind of fluidity we're talking about. Spats provide a full range of motion, making your legwork as smooth as a jazz saxophonist's riff. You'll pull off moves you never thought possible, turning you into the Bruce Lee of jiu jitsu leggings.

Moisture-Wicking Magic

The last thing you want during a sweaty roll is to feel like you're wrestling inside a swamp. That's where the high-quality, moisture-wicking material comes in. It's not just about staying dry; it's about keeping that energy level high, making sure pools of sweat do not weigh you down.

Men's vs. Women's BJJ Spats: What's the Difference?

You might wonder, "Do men and women need different types of spats?" The answer is both yes and no. Let's break it down:

Anatomy Matters

BJJ spats for men and women serve more than just an aesthetic purpose; they cater to distinct anatomical requirements. Men's spats often have more room in the waist and are cut differently around the hips. On the flip side, women's jiu jitsu spats offer a design considering wider hips and a generally different muscle mass distribution.

Fashion & Functionality

Regarding spats for women, brands are going all-in on style without sacrificing utility. So, ladies, you don't have to choose between looking good and rolling hard. Likewise, men aren't stuck with just the standard black or navy; various designs make a statement. It's like choosing between a tux and a casual suit—both work, but each has its occasion.

Tips for the Ladies: Women's Grappling Spats 

Hey ladies, pay special attention to the waistband if you're shopping for women's spats. You want something that stays put without digging into your sides. Think of it as finding a partner who's supportive but not clingy—yeah, it's kind of like that.

Style 101: Picking the Right Pair for You

Okay, we've discussed the why; now, let's tackle the how. You don't want to throw money at the first pair of spats leggings you see. Remember, style isn't just about looking cool (although that's a nice bonus); it's about finding something that gels with you.

The Classic Look

If you're the type who likes to keep things simple, go for the classics. These are usually monochromatic, with minimal design elements. It's like the "little black dress" or "plain white tee" of the BJJ world—understated but indispensable.

The Artsy Soul

If you consider the mat your canvas, why shouldn't your spats be a work of art? From wild abstract patterns to themed designs based on pop culture, something out there screams "you." It's like getting a tattoo but without the commitment.

Tech-Savvy & Trendy

For tech enthusiasts, there are spats with added padding, strong stitching, and advanced fibers. Think of them as the sports car of the MMA spats world—sleek, fast, and equipped with the latest gadgets.

Size Matters: How to Choose the Perfect Fit

Finding the perfect BJJ compression pants is similar to Goldilocks trying porridge. If they are too tight, you will feel squeezed. On the other hand, if they are too loose, you will get caught on the mat. Here's how to find that "just right" pair.

Consult the Sizing Chart

We get it: Size charts are as exciting as watching paint dry, but trust us, it's a step you don't want to skip. Brands often have specific sizing, so what's medium in one may be large in another. No one likes a bad fit.

Know Thyself

If you're between sizes, think about your training habits. Are you into heavy training sessions that'll likely lead to weight loss? Lean towards the smaller size.

Do you plan to train in the cold and need extra room for layering? Go a bit larger. It's like packing for a trip—always plan for the road ahead.

The Stretch Test

High-quality BJJ leggings will offer a lot of stretch without losing shape. Remember, you'll be doing all sorts of bends and twists, so you need something that'll bend and twist with you. Think of them as the yoga instructor of your wardrobe—flexible but firm.

Quality vs. Quantity: Wear and Tear

We've all heard the saying, "You get what you pay for," right? When it comes to BJJ spats, the saying holds water—or, in this case, repels it! You don't want to replace your spats every other month; it should be a long-term relationship, not a fling.

Material Matters

The material of your spats isn't just about comfort; it's the frontline defense against wear and tear. Spandex blend is your best friend here; it gives you that nice mix of elasticity and durability. Think of it like the adamantium in Wolverine's claws—tough and flexible.

Stitch in Time

Look for reinforced stitching. You'll put these pants through the wringer, stretching them this way and that. Reinforced stitching is like the seatbelt in a car—it holds everything together when things get rough.

Brand Loyalty

Sometimes, sticking with well-known brands can save you a headache. They have a reputation to maintain, so that they will focus on quality. It's like ordering a Big Mac; you know exactly what you're getting, no surprises.


Can I wear BJJ spats for other activities like running or yoga?

Totally! Many spats are versatile enough for different activities. The running yoga crowd often finds them super useful because of the same benefits—moisture-wicking, skin protection, etc.

Do I need to wear anything over them during No-Gi sessions?

Most people wear fight shorts over their spats during No-Gi, but it's not a hard rule. It is optional but recommended, like a cherry on top of a sundae.

What's the difference between BJJ compression pants and regular leggings?

While they may look similar, compression pants are specifically designed for high-intensity sports like grappling and MMA. They offer extra benefits, such as muscle compression, and they are made from strong materials that can withstand training wear and tear.


We've covered the A to Z of BJJ spats, and it's time to wrap this up. Remember, choosing the right pair isn't just about how cool they make you look; it's about finding that perfect balance between comfort, style, and functionality. You want something that will stick with you through every roll, every submission, and every win. It's like finding your soulmate, only easier!


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