New Wave Jiu Jitsu Austin Review: The Future of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Texas

new wave jiu jitsu austin

Hey there, fellow Jiu Jitsu enthusiast! Have you heard about the new sensation sweeping the martial arts scene in Austin? It's called New Wave Jiu Jitsu, causing quite a stir. This isn't your grandpa's Jiu-Jitsu—this is a fresh, innovative approach to the ancient art. So, grab a cup of joe, sit back, and let's dive into this revolutionary world of Jiu Jitsu that's taking Austin by storm.

What is New Wave Jiu Jitsu?

Imagine a surfer riding a wave—nimble, agile, and in perfect harmony with the forces of nature. That's what training at New Wave Jiu Jitsu feels like. Founded by Giancarlo Bodoni, a black belt under the legendary John Danaher, New Wave Jiu Jitsu offers a unique blend of traditional techniques and modern innovations. It's like sipping on an old-fashioned cocktail with a twist of contemporary flair.

What Makes New Wave Jiu Jitsu Stand Out?

Just as Texas is known for its iconic cowboy culture, New Wave Jiu Jitsu is making a name for itself with its distinctive features. Here's why it's gaining momentum:

Modern Techniques

At New Wave Jiu Jitsu, they don't just follow the tide—they create it. Using the principles laid down by the Danaher Death Squad, the academy blends traditional Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques with modern strategies. It's like jazz music—rooted in tradition but always open to improvisation.

Top-notch Training and Coaching

Training at New Wave Jiu Jitsu is like getting a masterclass from the best in the business. With a team that includes the likes of Ryan Garry Tonon and Gordon Ryan, you're guaranteed to up your game. Think of it as getting a backstage pass to a rock concert—you get up close and personal with the legends themselves.

Community Culture

New Wave Jiu-Jitsu is more than just a training centre—it's a family. The sense of camaraderie here is palpable. It's like a potluck dinner where everyone brings something to the table and shares it in the feast. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned practitioner, you'll find a place at New Wave Jiu Jitsu.

Training Experience at New Wave Jiu-Jitsu

Stepping into New Wave Jiu Jitsu is like entering a new world where respect is earned on the mat, and growth is measured in sweat and perseverance. The training here is intense, but it's also fun. It's like a rollercoaster ride—thrilling, exhilarating, and guaranteed to leave you wanting more.

The Warm-up: Breaking the Ice

The New Wave Jiu Jitsu warm-up sessions are designed to get your blood pumping and your muscles ready for action. It's like the opening act at a concert—setting the tone for the main event.

The Technique Class: Learning the Ropes

The technique classes are where the magic happens. Here, you'll learn everything from basic moves to advanced strategies. It's like attending a workshop by a master artisan—you'll get to see the art in action and pick up valuable tips and tricks.

The Sparring Sessions: Testing the Waters

The sparring sessions at New Wave Jiu Jitsu are a chance to put your skills to the test. It's like jumping off the deep end—you'll never know how good you are until you try.

New Wave Jiu Jitsu: A Verdict

So, is New Wave Jiu Jitsu worth your time? If you're passionate about Jiu Jitsu, crave a challenge, and want to be part of a thriving community, then the answer is a resounding yes. Training at New Wave Jiu Jitsu is like embarking on a thrilling adventure—you'll face challenges, make friends, and come out stronger. So, if you're in Austin and thirst for Jiu Jitsu, why not ride the wave at New Wave Jiu-Jitsu?

The History and Evolution of New Wave Jiu Jitsu Austin 

The Genesis: From Humble Beginnings to a Jiu-Jitsu Mecca 

So you're still here? Awesome! Strap in because we're about to take a trip down memory lane. Imagine a garage gym. Pretty Spartan, right? That's where New Wave Jiu Jitsu Austin sprouted from. No flashy equipment, no big names—just a love for the art and a drive to share it with the community.

Think of it as a jam band that eventually hits the big time. The Grateful Dead of BJJ, if you will. But unlike jam bands, they didn't wander. They had a goal: to be the future of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Texas. And dang, did they nail it?

Learning from the Masters: The Danaher Death Squad Connection

Ever heard of John Danaher or the Danaher Death Squad? If you haven't, think of them as the Yodas of BJJ—only way less cryptic. Training with that caliber is like going to Harvard but for chokes and locks. That’s the level of expertise you can expect at New Wave Jiu Jitsu Austin.

So, if you've been daydreaming about perfecting those leg locks and arm bars under the tutelage of world-renowned coaches, this is where the rubber meets the road.

Branching Out: Team New Wave and The Expansion

The seeds planted in that Austin garage have now sprouted branches. We’re talking about Team New Wave—the competitive arm of New Wave Jiu Jitsu Austin. These aren’t weekend warriors; these are people you'll one day see at the ADCC World Championships.

Imagine being part of that kind of greatness. It's like joining the Avengers, but for Jiu-Jitsu. That could be you, buddy. No kidding.


What’s the vibe like?

Imagine walking into Cheers, where everyone knows your name, but instead of beer and banter, it’s all about BJJ. The camaraderie here is off the charts.

Do they offer trial classes?

Yup! You can take the car for a test drive before you buy it. They offer a free trial class with zero risk and a universe to gain.

How competitive is the gym? 

This isn't your grandma's sewing circle. The place buzzes with competitive energy, but it's all for growth and improvement. Like Gordon Ryan and Garry Tonon, they’re not here to take part but to take over.


We've reached the end of the line, but this is just the beginning for you. Whether you’re a newbie or an old hand at BJJ, New Wave Jiu Jitsu Austin is where dreams morph into reality. They’ve got the coaches, the community, and the nerve to make you fall head over heels for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Don’t just take my word for it; see for yourself.

Ready to leap? Stop watching from the sidelines and jump into the action. Who knows? You might just become the next BJJ sensation out of Austin, Texas. And that, my friend, would be something to write home about.


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